Reem Nasir Name

MA Linguistics Student

London, UK



Welcome to my website! My name is Reem, and I am a university student from London, UK. Here, you can discover many aspects about me, predominantly, the things I enjoy. Besides writing, I also enjoy illustrating, painting, photography, editing, reading, watching movies, and building positive relationships with others.

At A-levels, I studied Graphic Design, I.T and English Lang/Lit. In the Portfolio section, I have included a variety of projects related towards my studies as well as projects done freely at home during my spare time (this website is one of them!). This will give further insight on my skills and abilities. I hope that you like what you see and enjoy!

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27/02/2018 17:48:09

As the night sky cleared away to a still, cobalt blue; the enchanting full moon revealed itself in our then, moonlit backyard. Despite the absence of a digital camera, the photograph nonetheless depicted the details and flawlessness of the view as I recall it: a view that was unquestionably, one that was not to be missed and forgotten.

Cater4Me Flowchart 1 Cater4Me Flowchart 2 Cater4Me Flowchart 3 Cater4Me Process 1 Cater4Me Process 2 Cater4Me Process 3 Cater4Me Process 4 Cater4Me Process 5 Cater4Me Process 6 Cater4Me Process 7 Cater4Me Process 8 Cater4Me Process 9

Cater4Me Process

Before creating the website, I needed to plan the design and process beforehand. In order to do this, I created a flowchart to show how the website should function, and created a rough template as well as a detailed template so I have a basis to work from. I also designed the logo on Photoshop.

Lion drawing

Lion sketch

Sketching on a Friday afternoon. Simply the best way to end the week if you ask me!

reem student of the year

Student of the Year

During sixth form, I was chosen to attend an award ceremony where I won the Student of the Year award and received a trophy as a result!


An end to 'true' love

For our coursework in English Language and Literature, we had to write a story based on a theme which we were able to choose from a given list. Though I do not recall the exact theme wording, I certainly remember it was a theme where I had to include two lovers and the topic of marriage. Using the theme, I developed my own plot and carried it out throughout the story. We had a word count limit which I could not surpass, making the story short yet undeviating and head-on with a conflict, climax and a final resolution.

The story summarised: A young women in her 20s named Isabella tries to reach out to her boyfriend, Mike, also in his 20s; who is, without warning, ignoring her calls. He finally picks up after a lengthy time filled with anxiousness and worry, just to tell his girlfriend that his mother wants the two to get married. Isabella, perplexed on what the big deal is, sees no problem in Mike's mothers declaration since the two lovers communicate daily and tells her boyfriend that there will not be a big difference if the two get married anyway. Mike becomes irate at Isabella's impetuous words and seizes a chance to let out his sincere thoughts - in reality, he does not want to get married to Isabella. Isabella finally sees through Mike and grasps the truth that she has neglected 2 and a half years delivering love to someone who sees no future with her. Anguished, she ends the call, finally comprehending how he has regarded her for more than 2 years.



This is a creative piece that I have written myself to allow people reading it to sort of have an epiphany or to feel a significance/motivation within themselves that they have not yet realised. I am someone who is very determined, earnest and empathetic when it comes down to topics such as depression, a slump, anxiety etc - so I sincerely hope that I have helped someone who is reading this and hope to consistently do so in the future.

This is my first piece of writing so undoubtedly, it is not the best but I hope to get better with every piece I write!

Gateway KSA Logo Gateway KSA

Gateway KSA

Gateway KSA is a fully funded student delegation program by KFCRIS (King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies) which invites “a small and diverse cohort of exceptional students from elite universities to undertake a personal learning journey”. We explored and travelled the Kingdom beginning in Riyadh to Alula, then Jeddah to learn about the Kingdom and discuss research. Through it being an educational trip, we were able to participate in thought provoking lectures, focus groups, discussions and debates hosted by the likes of Dr. Abdullah Al-Saud which gave us a great opportunity to deepen our understanding of certain topics within the Kingdom. We visited and toured museums and archaeological sites such as Mada'in Saleh, Diriyah Village and The National Museum where we were able to learn about the history behind these sites; as well as companies and universities such as STC, KAUST, NCB, KAPSARC and SABIC where we were able to see what they were innovating, what their plans are for the future and how Vision 2030 will be of help to them; economically and politically. We also got the pleasure to meet Turki bin Faisal Al Saud where we had a discussion on various topics asked by us and met local families within the Kingdom to teach us more about the social life in Saudi Arabia.

This trip was such a huge learning curve for me and definitely one of the best experiences I have ever had. It’s such a treasurable memory that I don’t want to forget and honestly, my photography barely encapsulates the beauty of the Kingdom. However, I hope that I am able to share some of my knowledge and experiences through this so that you’ll be able to get a taste of the program and KSA, and I hope that my passion and love for this trip and the Kingdom is conveyed thoroughly as well. I can’t wait to go back (please take me back!)
